1. Cancelling A participant in this Network Marketing plan has the right to cancel at any time, regardless of any reason. Cancellation must be in writing and submitted via certified/registered mail with a return receipt to the Company at its principle business address: 40900 Woodward Ave, Suite 111, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304.
Please see Renue Financial's refund policy for a complete description. 2. Cancel Online You can login to your Renue Financial account to cancel your agreement.3. Cancel by Email The Renue Financial Independent Sales Agent Agreement may be cancelled at any time by submitting a written notice to support@renuefinancial.com4. Cancel Renue Financial by Phone Call Renue Financial Support at 844 447 3683.5. Independent Sales Agent Right of Rescission Renue Financial, LLC requires its Independent Sales Agents to adhere to any country, state or local laws or regulations pertaining to consumers’ cancellation rights. In the United States, agents must adhere to the federal “cooling off” rule, which is codified as Title 16 CFR Part 429. Upon cancellation, the Independent Sales Agent continues to be bound by the confidentiality and non-compete sections of the Independent Sales Agent Agreement shown below. Independent Sales Agent acknowledges and agrees that all information concerning Renue Financial Independent Sales Agent(s) (hereinafter known as “Confidential Information”) is of great value to Renue Financial. Independent Sales Agent agrees not to disclose any Confidential Information to any person except as expressly authorized by Renue Financial in writing, and shall not use Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of Independent Sales Agent’s functions and duties as a Renue Financial Independent Sales Agent. Independent Sales Agent further agrees, during the life of this Agreement and for a period of 18 months from and after cancellation or termination hereof, he or she shall not, directly or indirectly, solicit, recommend, suggest or induce any Renue Financial Customer or Independent Sales Agent to become a customer of or representative for any person or entity other than Renue Financial engaged in the business of marketing or selling product(s) or service(s) by means of any direct sales or network marketing. Reapplying after Cancellation of their Independent Sales Agent Agreement, the former Independent Sales Agent may not have any activity one year from the date of cancellation before submitting another Independent Sales Agent Agreement.
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